The 10 Best Things About Having A Boyfriend
Human beings have an inborn longing for companionship and a desire to feel loved. Life would be so dull and lack something until you, as a woman, find your man who can shower you with affection and cuddle you in times of hardships and offer you a shoulder to lean on. It does not matter if your relationship is casual or a serious one, but having a boyfriend has tons over tons of benefits.
Here are 10 of the best things about having a boyfriend:

1. You can experience and express affection
Nothing beats the opportunity that having a boyfriend grants a lady to physically express love through hugging and kissing someone she trusts and loves, and in return getting the same. This is in total contrast with when she does not have a boyfriend and has to hook up with some random guys to satisfy her craving. You get the chance to flaunt your femininity through dressing sexily and maintaining an adorable body. You also have the benefit of getting intimate with someone you know, and love and this is always when you wish.
2. You have someone to vent out
Life can be demanding and so harsh at times and being the flawed beings we are; we always need someone to vent out. With a boyfriend, a woman has someone she can vent to after a bad day at work, a tough exam sitting or other life’s issues.
3. Someone to offer a helping hand
A boyfriend will always lend you a hand, and this will make your life pretty sweet. He can fix the bulb or that broken chair. He can help to lift heavy objects and to handle issues to do with your car. Generally, you have a safe pair of hands you can count on any time.
4. Your parents will be at peace or happy
Parents are overly concerned about who their daughter is seeing, or even whether he is seeing someone. Having a boyfriend whom you have introduced to your parents will keep them at peace. You will also go through traditional family events like dinner well while you have your boyfriend with you.
5. Experiencing the warmth of companionship
You got to do everything together even if it’s so little-you go for nature walks together, bike riding, apple-picking and any other thing you can do together. You also show each other off to your buddies and wear couple’s costumes for events.
6. You get to be loved as you are
He will love you in spite of so many things- talking silly stuff, not waxing your body hair and all manner of things that can make one unlovable. He is your boyfriend and truly loves you.
7. You get many mutual friends
You and your boyfriend will get to know each other’s friends and become mutual friends thereby having so many people to have fun with who are genuinely friends.
8. You have someone you can be comfortable around
With a serious boyfriend, you have someone you can be truly yourself when around him. No matter how crazy you may be, he will still treasure you.
9. You have someone who appreciates you
Your boyfriend will always appreciate you and tell you that you are beautiful at all times despite the previous night’s make-up having scrawled across your face and your hair being unkempt.
10. You have someone you can make plans with
You get a person to plan for the future with and to act as your accountability partner, motivator and play other crucial roles towards your growth.
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