Makeup And Hair Tips That Make You Look Younger
They say that 40 is the new 30. At this day and age, we certainly can do many things for us to look forever young. Take the case of some Hollywood and Korean actresses who seem to have found the fountain of youth. Do not despair since ordinary people like us can also defy age and look like fresh college girls from Anthem College. Hairstylists and makeup artists say that the heavier your makeup, the older you look. Heavy eyeliner and too much powder is a no-no and instead a bronzed skin, light eyes and sheer lips is the way to go.

Remember that bright color eye shadow not only makes your face look older but unattractive as well. Always wear natural colors and apply brown mascara instead of black for a softer look. Black, orange, and purple lipstick are distracting and aging to the face. Instead, colors that have a little brownish tone are more flattering. There are some women who love wearing red lipstick. Keep the rest of your makeup light if you are wearing bright lipstick. Another makeup tip is to never wear blush with any kind of shine or glitter and to opt for cream rouge so you have control over the amount you put on.
As for the hair, a length that is not too long is advisable. A flattering length would be just below the shoulders. Also wear bangs because it makes you look younger. Furthermore, highlights and a lighter hair color can take off years from your actual age.
Thanks for the tips! These definitely gives idea on how to look younger the natural way! Rather than undergoing various operation and stuff. :-S
Yes I agree with this. When doing my face, I either choose to wear heavy make up on the eyes of the lips alone. If I put eye shadow, a liner and mascara, I opt for lighter lip shade and if I do red lips, a lighter tone for the eyes so I won’t look like a zombie walking on the streets. Haha.
I am always on the natural look kind of person when I wear my make-up. I am not too comfortable wearing heavy make-up on. I wish I know more about make-up tricks though, but yes there are certain ways that you can wear make-up that helps you look younger, fresh, and glowing. :)
I want a lighter hair but I love my natural dark hair as well. I think that it all depends on how you perceive beauty is.
I’d probably consider wearing bangs once I reached my 40’s! I hope it will help me look younger, otherwise I just hope my forever-18-state-of-mind will do the trick! ;)
Thank you for the tips Sis. I just turned 40 last month and yet I have no clue how to apply make-up properly. I love my natural skin and helps me to look younger :-)
I love wearing light or nude lipstick. I just don’t like too much color on my face. I feel like I look like a clown when I do so. Though lately I wear dark lipstick during winter and the rest of my face is bare.
Thank you for the tips Dhadha! I have no clue when it comes to make-up. At least now I know I’m doing something right. LOL!
Always wear natural colors and apply brown mascara instead of black for a softer look. Black, orange, and purple lipstick are distracting and aging to the face. Instead, colors that have a little brownish tone are more flattering. There are some women who love wearing red lipstick. All these techniques makes you fell look younger and happier.
Thank your for these tips! I seldom wear make-up because I don’t know what to apply. And I don’t wear lipstick also because I think it makes me look mature. But I’m glad I was able to meet nude lipstics which are light, they are just perfect for me. :)