Life After Divorce: 4 Tips for Coping With A Divorce
If a wedding day is the beginning of life for some couples, what does that make divorce? Well, while it may not quite be the end of existence, many people find it especially hard to move on and grasp a normal sense of life again during and after a Michigan divorce. Michigan is a no-fault divorce state, so regardless of what sent you packing, it won’t legally hinder the ability to sever the marital ties. Nonetheless, divorce is an excruciating experience for many families. Fortunately, there are some simple but effective ways to cope, survive, and dare we say “thrive”, during and after one of the most painful parts of life.

Secure Your Support Base
It’s fine to be independent and take care of your own needs most of the time, but that’s not the case during a divorce. Regardless of the reasons behind the breakup, you’ll need emotional support. The first and foremost thing you must do when considering such a major life change is to secure the necessary network to deliver ongoing support. This may include your own family or personal friends not tied directly to your spouse, group counseling, or even one-on-one professional therapy. Expect those emotions to be high and work on getting them out so you can move on. You’ll be so much happier in the long run.
Write Letters To Yourself
Chances are your Michigan divorce attorney doesn’t have a degree in psychology, but he or she can easily connect you with a competent therapist whenever you feel ready for that step. One of the more unusual but effective strategies modern therapists use is letter therapy. They may suggest you write two letters to yourself: a goodbye letter and a hello letter. The goodbye letter should include all the things you’re leaving behind, including your broken hopes and dreams as well as problems. Your hello letter, on the other hand, should be completely different. Imagine meeting with yourself a year from today and writing what you’ve experienced. It may sound silly but believe it or not, this exercise helps balance emotions and regain your focus.
Redefine Yourself Inside And Out
Divorce can be a great time of freedom, and if you look at it that way amazing things can be achieved. This is a time for new beginnings. Have you wanted to go back to school or learn a new language? There’s no time like the present. How about joining a gym or starting a new workout program or eating plan?
Maybe you’d prefer to go tour Europe, climb Denali, learn how to ski, or finally take that continually “belated” honeymoon alone. There’s no one telling you you’re not smart enough, good enough, or thin enough anymore. Ignore the voice inside your head echoing the worst insults or doubts of the past and get busy changing yourself for the future. What have you got to lose besides the weight of a bad relationship?
Provide Parental Structure And Minimal Impact For The Kids
In today’s society, divorce is just part of life for every member of the family. Your kids are smart, so they likely knew there were problems between their parents for a while. And chances are, they’ve helped support, or at least knew, some friends at school who went through a Michigan divorce. They may have even vented to their friends and accepted support before you came clean about the divorce.
Still, the pain is real and they’ll need time to adjust. Don’t fall into the blame or guilt game. The easiest and most effective way to heal the household is to just continue living life. Keep the kids in school, sports, or music lessons. Continue insisting on home structure, schedules, and rules. And if you need suggestions or advice, your Michigan divorce lawyer is just a call away.
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