Most if not all women can’t leave home without her handbag. Personally, I feel there’s something missing if I don’t have my bag with me. Not only does it serve a purpose or function but it can also be a bold fashion statement. You can jazz up any outfit with a stylish bag and complete an otherwise drab look. But of course it’s important to have a bag that suits whatever attire you’re wearing. Having said that, you might think that it’s difficult to find a bag that’s both beautiful and of high quality (unless you’re buying an expensive brand) but that’s not the case since there’s Kipling.

Bag lovers all over the world are surely familiar with Kipling since it’s a well-loved global brand that’s been around for years. Here in the Philippines, a new Kipling concept store has just opened at the Ground Floor, SM City Bacolod North Wing Expansion (near the Atrium). Called the “House of Kipling”, shoppers will surely have an enjoyable and relaxing experience, what with the store’s homey atmosphere. The new concept store applies a domestic approach that elevates the customers’ shopping experience.

Once you enter, you’ll see an eclectic mix of natural and clean textures, with the signature tile wall with the iconic monkey print surrounding it. The store’s taupe and gray color palette, along with a pop of orange and pink, gives it a totally warm, homey feel. Kipling’s European heritage and playful spirit is evident in the Flemish inspired wall tiles and Kipling Monkey table legs.

You’ll see a wide selection of the coolest handbags, totes, carry-alls, backpacks and luggage in different shapes, sizes, and prints displayed on sleek ceramic and wooden frames, drawers and gondolas. There are also clusters of mirrors where customers can check if the bag they like suit them. Once you get tired from all the shopping, you can rest on their comfortable, bright, polychromatic footstools.

House of Kipling likewise features a “Whimsy Wall” where customers can post and share whatever inspirations, ideas, and messages they have so everyone can connect and become an engaged community. All these elements and details help shoppers have a more personal feel of Kipling bags.

Aside from the SM City Bacolod concept store, shoppers can also visit Kipling’s new concept stores at SM Aura in Bonifacio Global City, SM Clark in Pampanga, and The District North Point in Talisay City, Negros Occidental.

Follow Kipling Philippines on their social media sites for exclusive updates:
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/KiplingPhilippines
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/kiplingph
I have heard about this brand, but I’ve never had any of their bags. They are all so beautiful, so many different shapes and sizes, heaven for my eyes! <3