A Relaxing Afternoon Treat At The Spa With Sun Life Team Mom’s Day Out
When it comes to priorities, we tend to forget of ourselves since family always comes first. But that mindset had changed a little bit when I get the chance to attend Mom’s Day Out talk courtesy of Sun Life team.

It was a definitely a relaxing afternoon after we get an hour massage treat from the Spa courtesy of Sun Life. From the event name itself, it sure is a Mom’s Day Out! We had a wonderful afternoon bonding with the co-mommy bloggers and had met several new bloggers too.
Fast forward, right after the massage treat, we then moved to the venue to know what the event is all about. There, we met two speakers from Manila whom are mommies at the same time! To make the long story short, it was Michele Alignay, a Family Life Specialist, who tackles about how important it is to balance everything – taking care of the family and so as ourselves; and of course, Rosario Rivera who talks about financial freedom.

From the thought shared by Mrs. Michele Alignay, I’ve learned to spare some time for myself too and that we shouldn’t be guilty of loving ourselves even if our main priorities are now the family. The purpose of loving ourselves is that keeping the family healthy and loved at the same time.
We all know that moms, or called as the masters of multitasking, should learn to love themselves too in order for them to love others. If we get sick, the ones we care for get affected too. Thence, to balance the flow of our daily routine, moms should learn to love and make themselves a priority as well.

This applies to our financial status as well. Mrs. Rivera shared to us how it is essential to be wise in terms of spending and saving. One of the topics include being financially prepared means a lot especially if you are a mom. Thus, investing for something that would be a relief in the future really pays a lot. This is what Sun Life wants to offer to every family most especially for moms. There, MyFuture Funds gets introduced. Get yours for as low as Php 39.00 per day, you sure can build a beautiful tomorrow for your child.
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